A 12 Week Learn-By-Doing Program

It is the high performers who tend to continue mindset practice year after year, whether they are striving for their new best or digging down to battle setbacks. 

For they know, how you show up affects everyone and EVERYTHING! 

The key to opening higher level relationships, the key to netting positive outcomes from each opportunity, the key to navigating difficult situations with calm clear wise resilient & adaptable mental skills, is to have the toolbox along with the key. 

Please accept my invitation to step into my world, my positive culture, and the mindset lessons derived from experiences and observations in NA pro sport, China Olympics, growing global businesses, battling cancer and stroke, and formal academic study in many interrelated sciences.  

A one of a kind PERIODIZED 12 week Mental Fitness Program.

Master your CHAMPION'S MINDSET while up-leveling Mental Well-Being. 

How we think, perceive, our self talk, our energy and attitude, and the strength of our mind are all teachable, trainable, changeable, improvable and highly actionable!  

Using story telling to express scientific concepts in more inspiring ways, this MINDSET Program guides you thru 12 weeks of wildly effective lessons, with which you Learn-By-Doing, applying the mindset methods right into your world the rest of the week. 

As such, I've designed your 12 week MINDSET Program as a Practice. From cancer patients to podium athletes, from clients overcoming loss to those struggling with success, this 12 week program is like an all star team of mindset methods, compiling what has most consistently advantaged them.

Imagine if your thoughts, words, actions and emotions all improved, elevating you in those ways. How powerful would your touch be on all people, in each moment, all day every day.

Performing better in seeking opportunities. Able to create them. Beginning to receive them!

I'll help pull you up to places you may have thought you never could. Guiding you by communicating open and kind, you'll find yourself bumped up right away in each day.  

Have a strong grounded clear thinking presence in the biggest challenges. Handling difficulty with grace. Owning your energy, pre-creating your day, discovering that nothing can throw you off.

A champion does not always win nor is every year a championship season. Champions have the mindset permitting them to more smoothly weather unwanted storms, and hold more calm and courage going after their highest aspirations.

And their overall higher level mental and emotional abilities simply create really good days. 

If this MINDSET program and its methods were to be most succinctly summarized, it would say we are acquiring the mental skills to be both positive, peaceful, happy, and, to perform better achieving greater success. A rare combination and to higher levels.


Read to bottom to see an itemized list of key learnings and the attributes we will adopt and grow.


  • 12 week periodized program
  • Access materials on your schedule
  • 1st day of each week: I will teach and coach you on mindset concepts by short video study. This guides you into reading material, applied stories, practical mindset lessons, and instructions what you will practice that week.
  • For six days you "learn-by-doing' in your world, simple steps that have massive benefits.
  • I structure Aspect Based Learning by correlating the outcomes to how we think and feel, how others respond to how we show up, and the results of our day. These observes are recorded to reinforce what tools work best for us.
  • You will find a Forum Discussion group in certain weeks, where we each can all share our experiences to help the collective inspiration, enthusiasm and scope of learning we can all carry forward. This is where I get to interact with the group and engage in the discussion with you too!


With the launch of the digital version of this program, I am making this $750 Learn-By-Doing course available to you with a 60% savings, and amortized for the weekly practice into just $24.95 a week.

For the cost of a spinning class, you can receive a week's tools that strengthen your mental fitness and advance cognitive hypertrophy.

I can afford to do that with the efficiency of a weekly subscription, which allows me to handle a larger group of people effectively and also structure the pace of our program.

In other TWIST certification courses you can rip through fast, studying around the clock if you want to. 

This MINDSET course however is designed into a Program, with specific practice each week, so we experience, lay down and embed new mindset strategies and mental wellness skills so deeply they become automated.


I have further exciting and related news to share with you. There are also six new mental well-being and champion mindset certification courses being produced, that culminate in a Mental Well-Being and Mindset Specialist accreditation. From that      high value content, I created MINDSET Program 2.

When your 12 week Champion's Mindset program concludes, should you elect to continue into the next level Program 2, you are guaranteed today's special pricing offer, saving another 60% for the additional mindset methods that Program 2 coaches you on. 

For me, I will nourish my mindset lifelong. There are no limits to wisdom, emotional intelligence and mental fortitude. The impact on my life and career trajectory has been profound. Literally life saving! Business building. Relationship deepening. 

This 12 week program is destined to play a role helping you enjoy elevated days, and which accumulate into a higher level life. Your 3 month practice will produce exceptional mental fuel. Looking ahead, like we do with our aspiring pro and Olympic athletes who join TWIST "Long Term Athlete Development" programs, should motivating mindset methods and exceptional emotional intelligence be of interest to practice all year, I will be here for you, with an upleveling path to always reach new levels. 

I am honoured that 5 major league MVPs, 2,000 pro and Olympic athletes, and 20,000 high school and collegiate athletes have spent time improving in the TWIST system. The latest to enjoy world class success who spent 6 years training with TWIST, Connor Bedard an NHL rookie already making his mark, is a testament to year round practice.  

Remember the athletes in sport also have a human experience like we all do. Absolutely all of us enter both difficulties and aspirational goals, with imperfect mental and emotional capacity. I LOVE the philosophy to "always be in the process of becoming". The fact you are here, suggests to me you welcome it too. Thank you for joining me. You'll find below a list of our Learn-By-Doing practice plans and two choices you can click on to get started. I look forward to welcoming you on the inside!




Normally $750, this special new year pricing includes a 60% discount! Secure this pricing today and we will honor this rate when you enroll in Program 2 (available in 12 weeks).

12 Week Plan


Normally $62.50/week, this special new year pricing includes a 60% discount! Secure this pricing today and we will honor this rate when you enroll in Program 2 (available in 12 weeks). Choose 12 Week Plan at checkout.


  1. Positive Psychology and Neuroscience
  2. Self Assessment + Goals
  3. Being a Leader of ONE
  4. Morning Routine
  5. Affirmations
  6. High EQ
  7. Pre-Creating Our Day
  8. Customizing Your 3 Power Words
  9. Social Cohesion
  10. Task Cohesion
  11. Connectivity Mission
  12. Identifying Opportunity
  13. Delayed Goal
  14. Lofty Goal
  15. Power of Nature
  16. Healing and Restoring
  17. Healthy Brain Inputs
  18. Mobility and Flow
  19. Power of Symbolism
  20. Defining Our Symbolic Tools
  21. Micro and Macro Resiliency
  22. Being Of Choice 
  23. Adaptability and Creativity
  24. Grit and Grace
  25. Going to Where the Heat Is
  26. Stimulating Brain Plasticity
  27. Brain + Body Neural Training
  28. Mindset Mastery
  29. Positive Leadership
  30. Inspiring Yourself

Register now and get in positive forward motion, together. Upon enrolling you'll receive an email from me welcoming you and explaining the next steps. The process is simple and I'll be guiding you through step by step, by video, email and shared discussion groups, as well as in full color manual pages, instructions for workbook practices.

Each week's module begins with a letter from me to give context to our learning focus, succinctly explaining what's in store that week, and getting you fired up so your brain and spirit are ready to go!

Thank you kindly and enjoy this experiential learning journey!  

Coach Peter Twist
Sport Scientist
TWIST University